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Game of Thrones: The Bear and the Maiden Fair




A bear there was
A bear up there
All black and brown
And covered in hair
Three boys, a goat
And a dancing bear
They danced and spun
Right to the fair
How sweet she was
And pure and fair
The maid with honey
Up in her hair
He smelled her on
The summer air
The maid with honey
Up in her hair
From there to here
From here to there
All black and brown
And covered in hair
He smelled that girl
The summer air
The bear, the bear
The maiden fair
Oh I'm a maid
And I'm pure and fair
I'll never dance
With a hairy bear
I called a knight
But you're a bear
All black and brown
She kicked and wailed
The maid so fair
But he licked the honey
From her hair
Her hair, her hair
He licked the honey
From her hair
Then she sighed and squealed
And kicked the air
She sang: my bear so fair
And off they went the bear,
The bear and the maiden fair
The Bear:
15 ml czarnej wódki Blavod
15 ml likieru Jägermeister
50 ml likieru Aperol
Wszystkie składniki przelać na kostki lodu do szklanki do whisky i zamieszać.
The Maiden Fair:
30 ml mleka
15 ml wódki miodowej
dash grenadyny
Do kieliszka do wódki (50 ml) przelać mleko i wódkę. Zamieszać i chlusnąć grenadyny, która opadnie na dno.